There’s a lot of talk in Christian circles about “deconstruction”, but what does that term even mean?

“‘Deconstructing faith’, also known as evangelical deconstruction, is a process where Christians re-evaluate their faith and beliefs. It can involve questioning the foundation, truthfulness, and impact of ideas, practices, and traditions.”

The word, "decontruct" is defines as this: "verb. reduce (something) to its constituent parts in order to reinterpret it". Deconstruction can be used to identify flaws in an original premise or to expose hidden assumptions and contradictions. The word "reduce" is an interesting one because Christianity (as a culture) has picked up a lot of stuff over the years- particularly in America. The idea of reducing our faith down to its essential parts is an interesting one. 
I think we all know someone who deconstructed their faith. There are so many television shows, podcasts, and interviews in which someone says they were "apart of a relgious family" and they no longer are. Maybe you are the “someone” who deconstructed! It's common to want to reevaluate your beliefs and paradigms. Perhaps you grew up in church all of your life and it feels like something didn't add up; that you rode the coattails of your parents' faith. Perhaps you grew up in a sheltered environment and you were introduced to new and interesting worldviews. Maybe you walked away from your home church, thee Church, or from the faith altogether. 
This isn’t the blog post that shames you for your deconstruction. I believe that there’s something called a “healthy reconstruction”. I believe that Jesus Christ and His gospel can stand up against any testing and any question. Quite frankly, too many Christians are scared and fearful that their family members, friends or even congregants will stray away. Let’s explore reconstruction vs deconstruction: 


  1. Approaching the text with cynicism & emotionalism: Romans 8 says, “The mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God’s law.” Now, that sounds like some intense language. Nevertheless, you have to understand that God’s word is difficult to chew on and accept. There are so many concepts that are counterculture in today’s society. If you allow anger, bitterness, or cynicism to inform your understanding… it’s a fail. 
  2. Lazy Deconstruction: One of my biggest pet peeves is when a person walks away from the faith and they have NO idea what the bible says. They’re cherry picking scriptures with no context, listening to some pimple-faced kid on YT, or regurgitating some IG post you found. For example, “Christianity is a white man’s religion!” is one of the strangest things I’ve heard. 
  3. Church hurt: This can’t be the reason you step away. The bible warns time and time and time and time and time again that there will be false teachers and false prophets. Paul talks about all of the shenanigans within the church… and this was in 53-54 AD!!! Ain’t nothin’ changed. However, healthy, beautiful churches still exist. Satan (if you still believe) wants nothing more than to create apostasy because of hurt and offense- he wants your faith in the church and your faith in Jesus to rely on one another. 


  1. Submitting our preconceived notions and paradigms: In John 3, Jesus tells Nicodemus to unlearn what made him a well-respected spiritual leader so that he could learn Jesus’ truth. It takes humility to learn and it takes even MORE humility to unlearn. Be prayerful that the Holy Spirit will lead you to truth! 
  2. Focus on bible-literacy: Your job is to understand the gospel & your biblical worldview. Sometimes, we get discouraged because we do not understand the bible in totality. That is OKAY. In fact, in John 6, Jesus is talking to his disciples because they’re confused at one point and offended at another LOL. Give a concerted effort to devote yourself to understanding.
  3. Find trusted leaders and teachers : You need people to help you gain context for the bible. It’s a side B of #2. I know this can be a tricky one, especially if you’re grieving from church hurt. Remember, you’re looking for someone who can TEACH you the text- not someone who reads one scripture and goes off on a tangent in every sermon, video, book. Do not allow yourself to be lured by charisma instead of character. If you can find teachers with strong bible-literacy, you can learn the bible and make an informed decision. 

Now, reader… if you’re a person who isn’t deconstructing, but know someone who is… this is for you: approach people with the kindness, humility and grace that you’d want. Be careful not to project your fear or need for control onto the people around you. If anything, study the word to show yourself approved. Ask as many questions as you give statements of truth. Treat people with the dignity and respect that they deserve.

Love you, mean it.



